Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Bye Bye Baby

“Essentials of Social Media” was one of the better college level textbooks I have been forced to read in my life. I am not a huge fan of reading when it is not something I am interested in. I find it hard to be still for a long period of time. I especially liked the feature that read the chapters to you. I would push play and be able to do other things while listening to the chapters.

The chapters I enjoyed the least were about Twitter or X. I just do not think my interests line up with the platform and therefore I did not find it all that interesting. I learned a lot about the platform, but I did not wish to learn more about it hands on.

The chapters I enjoyed the most were about Pinterest

. I use Pinterest quite often, so I already have a background with the platform. I go through phases where I use the platform all the time, but then do not use it for a while. Listening to the chapter in the book I was able to learn more about the platform. I got to see the background of the things I used to not know what they did. Something that I had not realized was how different business accounts on Pinterest were from personal accounts. I also enjoyed the graphics and overall statistics the book provided with every chapter. It was cool to see the

Overall, this book was not too terrible. It was not my favorite thing in the entire world, but I learned something, and I can never complain about that.

The last Taylor Swift song that I will finish out the semester with is Bye Bye Baby. We are almost at the end of the semester! One last push to the end and then a nice break or just the end if you are me.


Megan said...

Yay Pinterest! Such a great app. This is so sad that this is my last comment on your blog ever :(

Cross -_- said...

Glad its over, but its great that you learned a bunch and were able to find some skills and tools to build on.

Bye Bye Baby

“Essentials of Social Media” was one of the better college level textbooks I have been forced to read in my life. I am not a huge fan of rea...