Wednesday, September 13, 2023

this is me trying

this is me trying

this is me trying
is from Taylor Swift’s pandemic album folklore. I need to write a whole blog on this album coming out because it is such a precious moment in my heart. However, I will save that topic for a different blog. This song has a couple of main themes, but the one that stands out is the feeling of giving it your all and not being recognized for it. That simply not giving in to depression, self-doubt or addiction is giving everything that person has to offer. I think that in life we must be careful about our words. We never know when someone is giving their all. When someone is running on fumes and one offhand comment could send them over the edge. This can also be escalated by social media. Again, it can be used for better or for worse. This is just a reminder that your words have an impact and to make sure that you are doing what is best for yourself as well.

my reaction to threads

While reading this chapter I could only think of the amount of burn out associated with social media creation. I've been managing two organization's social media pages for the past year. One of the things that stuck out to me in the chapter and in lecture was that sometimes you need a team of people instead of just one person managing it all. During the semester it is hard to juggle school, work and organization. I have found that at the beginning of each year I want to do so much and invest so much time into developing these social media pages. However, when the semester starts, I don't have the time to deep dive into the goals I wanted to do at the beginning. This chapter made me realize that there are so many layers to social media that I simply don't have time to dissect. I also realized that a lot of this planning can be done ahead of time. For example, during the summer and while on break from school. Thinking ahead to passing on these platforms for someone else to manage I’d like to set them up for success. I can give them the basic knowledge and tools that I have taken the time to put together so that they can be more successful than I have been.

Additionally, I enjoy looking into social media metrics. The data side of social media that gets into the details of how, why, what platform and when things work. However, it seems like there is always a segment of social media that seems unpredictable. Determining if the goals of the organization have been met or if the team needs to reevaluate is something I enjoy.


Kylie said...

Loreilei, I love the way you set up your blogs!! They are easy to follow and the pictures are a great touch! :)

Carly Coia said...

"this is me trying" is one of my favorite songs on folklore!! I think my favorite of all time is "my tear ricochet" because I like to "girl-splain" it to my boyfriend!!

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