Sunday, October 22, 2023


I have been saving this song for the perfect moment. Labyrinth is from Taylor Swift’s album Midnights. It was originally a poem that Taylor put into song form. It is a slow song that is about having so many thoughts in your head that you can’t hear yourself think. It went viral on TikTok because people were criticizing Taylor saying that all her songs sound the same. People have always argued that and probably always will. This one fan made a TikTok of her dancing to Labyrinth as though it was an upbeat song. I thought it was funny. The song itself is not my favorite, but I can appreciate the lyrics. It is a vulnerable song, but I just don’t vibe with it.

we made it out!

The reason I chose Labyrinth is because this weekend I went to Suter’s corn maze! I do not know the difference between a maze and a labyrinth, but I do know that they are both difficult to maneuver! I am the social officer for Kappa Phi. Suter’s corn maze was an event I planned for us to do back in the beginning of October. We have been to Suters in the past, but what is hard about planning trips like this is the weather. I checked the weather on Monday of this past week and it sight a slight chance of rain. I checked it again later in the week, but it turned out to be pouring down rain when we went. It was fine. We brought umbrellas and raincoats to brave the outdoors. The only thing I didn’t think of was the ground within the corn maze. It was muddy. It was very muddy. The group walked through the maze very slowly and carefully. The rain had lightened up, but the ground was very slick. We were almost out of the maze when someone slipped and fell in the mud. This member had mud up and down her pants. She was a trooper. Even with the rain and mud, I think everyone still had a good time and enjoyed the company.


We headed back to campus to change and get warm! We had picked out pumpkins to carve back at my house. We found out the one of my roommates had never seen Halloween Town before! We had to watch it while we carved pumpkins! I had not carved a pumpkin since I was little. Everyone had a bit of trouble brainstorming what to carve. I decided to carve 1989 because Taylor’s Version of the album comes out this Friday! I did not think that numbers would be hard to carve, but I was wrong. I carved with a bread knife so maybe that made a difference. All in all, it was a fun time and I enjoyed hanging out with friends this weekend!


Megan said...

Suters is a must during fall time. I am glad that you were able to go!

Carly Coia said...

Love Love Love Suters, and can't wait for 1989 TONIGHT!!

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