Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Dear Reader: Do you listen to podcasts?

When was the last time I listened to a podcast?

 In this chapter, I read about how podcasts are the audio versions of vlogs and blogging. I did not grow up watching vlogs on YouTube because my parents were against the platform. In recent years, I think podcasts have made a comeback. I cannot say that I always listen to podcasts, but I do know many people who have their own podcasts. My friend from home just started a podcast about her life in college. This is super cool for me because as a long-distance friend it helps us feel connected. I know multiple people who have podcasts about their studies and about educating their audience on a variety of topics. Additionally, I think that TikTok has helped with the influx of blogs. Many TikTok creators have turned their podcast into an extra passion project. Then they somehow make it back to TikTok in shorter clips, but that is not the point. 

The last podcast I listened to was "Gilmore to say", a podcast about the show Gilmore Girls. They go through diverse topics about the show including episode discussions, by character and what if scenarios. They have not had too many guest speakers, but I would really love to hear them do that. My favorite episode is that they posted recently was "Kirk in Barbieland." Kirk is one of the funniest characters in Gilmore Girls. They post around one podcast a week and are continually active on their social media platforms! The hosts are gearing up for fall because autumn is the same feeling as Gilmore Girls. Looking forward, I think one way to get more into podcasts would be to listen while driving. I make medium distance drives often, and I usually listen to music. However, another option is to listen to a podcast. 

Taylor Fall Tumblr

In the early 2010's Taylor Swift utilized Tumblr as her main social media platform to bond with her fans from a distance. It has since been discontinued, but here is a compilation of some of her blog posts. This era of Taylor was special because she shared personal stories, photos and memories. "Dear Reader" is from the album Midnights. This song title went well with the theme of blogs, podcasts and such. What I think is cool about the track is the line "Burn all the files, desert all your past lives, and if you don't recognize yourself, that means you did it right." Writing down your feelings, thoughts and emotions means that you can look back on them and think about how much has changed. I hope that I can look back on these and see that things have changed for the better. I hope I look back on myself and cringe because I want to be constantly growing. 


Kylie said...

I loved that you connected the chapter to someone everybody knows, Taylor Swift! I'm for sure a "swiftie," but I have never given it any thought to look into her blogs!

Cross -_- said...

I'll definitely check out you podcast, it sounds both awesome and interesting.

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