Tuesday, November 28, 2023

You Need to Calm Down

We finished our internship simulation this past week. Overall, my biggest takeaway from the experience was that it was very time-consuming. At the start of the internship, I would spend upward of two hours working on the posts and studying the information given. Something that helped a lot was keeping a document of notes from the past weeks. Something that was difficult was only doing one round and then the next week I forgot what worked well. Searching for the best photos to use as content was the most time-consuming part. Most photos cost too much money. The free ones were not the most marketable. We had very limited options. There were a few select photos that worked well. I liked how in the organic posts section we were able to plan when the posts were posted. I did not like how in the paid content we could not chose the times and days the posts were posted. I think that being able to find the best times was something that helped my overall goals. The paid posts were the most successful rounds for me. I did not do too well on the influencer rounds. I wasn’t the lowest, but I was on the low end. The influencers were so temperamental. One round the bargaining would go well and then the next would go horribly. I didn’t get the hang of it and the benefits were not worth it. The last rounds we had the option of posting all the different types of content on all the platforms. I did not realize until the second round of the section that we didn’t have to, but that it was an option.

Overall, I learned a good amount of information about social media marketing. I think that it is a lot of work though. The amount of time it takes to complete the internship along with the other things that come with the class was quite a lot.

The Taylor Swift song that I relate to the simulation internship is “You Need to Calm Down” because some of the influencers need to take a chill pill.


Kylie said...

I feel the same way about the simulation being time-consuming! I also love the Taylor Swift song you picked for this, I agree about the influencers!!!

Carly Coia said...

Love this blog! I agree about the sim!

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