Sunday, November 5, 2023


Another busy weekend! I feel like I have not had a weekend to myself this semester! I enjoy being busy, but I also like to curl up into a ball and chill while watching a movie. 

Dinner peeps!
Northern Christian Fellowship (NCF) and Kappa Phi had events this past weekend. NCF had Over/Under which was an overnight event for underclassmen. A few upperclassmen were invited to learn about mission opportunities within Central Ohio Cru. Ohio Northern University students drove down in two groups. My car was the one filled with people going to the Kappa Phi event after the NCF event. The others drove separately. They had alumni of the program speak about their experiences within the organization. It was cool to hear from a variety of perspectives. It was interesting to learn how the program influenced their career choices later in life. It was also just nice to get dressed up and enjoy community with friends from other campuses. The food was catered and they served cheesecake for dessert. My group decided to go to Swensons after the event. I was stuffed, but it was nice to spend time with friends.

When the event was over my car drove to Athens. Kappa Phi Gamma Get Together (GGT) was being held at Ohio University.  GGT is a gathering of Ohio Kappa Phi alumni and active members from all over Ohio. It was at ONU last year which made it much more convenient. I had not been to Athens before, so I was excited to see the campus and city. My car arrived late  because of the NCF event. The alumni were headed to bed when we arrived. We met the two ONU students who arrived before us and played a few games. We headed to “bed.” By bed, I mean the floor. We were sleeping on the floor of a church. We were on the third floor in a room with no doors. The other actives from other schools were already asleep.


The next day we had a full schedule of activities to attend. My friends and I went on a run in the early morning and saw a beautiful sunrise. We also saw deer! We saw two groups of them! My friend tried to pet one, but it ran away. During the day we attended events and socialized with people. I got a little burnt out from talking to so many new people and not getting much sleep. It was fun and entertaining. The theme for GGT was Barbie. I am not the biggest Barbie fan, but it was cute to see the alumni excited. One of the alumni recreated an old Barbie outfit.


The Taylor Swift song I chose to embody this weekend is Bejeweled. I think it just gives sparkle and shimmer. I also love the visuals in the music video. I think Barbie would approve.



1 comment:

Megan said...

Sounds like you had a great time!

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