Sunday, September 24, 2023

A State of Grace

State of Grace is a song from Taylor Swift’s album RED. I chose it for this week’s blog because of the title. It just reflected my weekend well. It was the opening song from Taylor’s tour that followed the album in 2013. There is also an acoustic version of this song. I like the original version better. My favorite line is “We learn to live with the pain, Mosaic broken hearts.” I don’t have a reason for liking it, but it has always been my favorite lyric in this song from the moment I heard it.

This weekend was the first time since school started that I was able to rest and reset. I had a couple of events this weekend, but they were fun and did not require brain function. On Friday evening Zach surprised me at work and we were able to get dinner afterwards. I always feel pressure to entertain people when they come to visit Ada. There are things to do in Ada, but I didn’t have plans to go anywhere or out someplace. We walked to get Chinese food and it was very good. After that we went and ate some ice cream. I am always in an ice cream mood. No matter how full I am there is always room in my stomach for ice cream.

On Saturday I had two events that I oversaw for two different organizations. The first event was for Kappa Phi. It’s a Christian women’s organization that my roommates and I are involved in. I live with four other girls and we are all in Kappa Phi together. Our house is the unintentional Kappa Phi house. A bunch of the members and I made signs for the three members that were either playing in the marching band or cheering for the football game. Slightly embarrassing, but I am a senior and this was my first Ohio Northern University football game. I am just not a huge football fan, but I am learning! I recently learned that there are three separate teams within one big team. A huge revelation to me because I grew up playing and watching soccer. Anyways, at halftime we got to take photos with our members who cheer. They did so well! They had little cheerleaders with them that day who were adorable! The band was good as well! The football team lost, but they lost not as bad as I thought they would!
Diving for Apples!

The second event I had was for Northern Christian Fellowship. My team and I put on the NCF Olympics. It was basically a field day for college students. Each of the three members of my team and I ran two relay type events. We had two teams competing. My events were an apple bobbing contest and a sponge race. The apple bobbing was hilarious! I truly hope you laugh at these photos.

Apple Bobbing

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