Sunday, September 10, 2023

All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor's Version) (From the Vault)

It’s almost autumn! I love summer weather, but once August is over it is time for some cooler weather! This past week was hot in the beginning, but it cooled off a bit towards the end. Ohio Northern is the prettiest in the fall. Which is appropriate because orange! I love walking to class when the leaves are orange, yellow, and red. The tundra looks beautiful, and it is just all around more enjoyable. My least favorite thing about school here is that during the winter it is just so gross. It’s cold, you’re inside all the time and everything is gray. However, that is the complete opposite during the fall. One of my favorite things is to take a walk around the lake and see all the gorgeous trees.

Goofy Fall Photos
In Taylor Swifts album RED, there is this song that is just the epitome of fall in my opinion. All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault) is a song that originally was just five minutes long, but fans loved it so much! When Taylor rereleased the album, she included the ten-minute version as a special treat. The entire album of RED just screams autumn. One can pick that up just from the name RED. In the song All Too Well there is mention of autumn leaves falling, cold crisp air and sipping on a hot cup of coffee. This song is incredibly heart breaking so if you haven’t heard it, I recommend it if you like feeling depressed. As sad as it is, the song has become a fan favorite throughout the years, and I am so glad she was able to release the full version. It went number one on the music charts and became the longest song to be number one. Before that I believe it was the song American Pie that held that spot for like a long time.

Apple Butter Festival 2022
Anyways, I am excited for the three weeks of autumn this year! I think it usually stays nice for a couple weeks and then gets cold fast, but I will be enjoying those three weeks. As of right now I have plans to go to a pumpkin patch, a corn maze and to carve pumpkins! October is going to be a busy month, but I love having these fall themed events to look forward to! Last year Zach made me an entire basket of fall themed activities for us to do. That was fun! I almost forgot about the clothes! Fall has the best clothes! I mean this in the best way possible, but I feel like a completely different person when I can wear sweaters, sweatshirts and boots without sweating my heart out. Also, every year around the beginning of September my mom and I start rewatching Gilmore Girls. It’s become a little different since moving to college, but we still watch it together just from different cities. The yearly rewatch is so comforting to me and just reminds me of how much I love the show. I am from Enon, Ohio which is a cute little town that closely resembles Stars Hollow. In October my town puts on an apple butter festival. I know it’s random, but it’s been going on all my life, and everyone really loves it! I look forward to it all year long! It’s October 14th and 15th this year so if you feel like driving down it's worth it in my opinion.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Love this Loreilei! I agree with you. The RED album screams fall!!

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