Monday, October 30, 2023

Come In With The Rain (Pancake recap)

Homecoming weekend was filled with fun and exciting activities! I started Saturday walking in the homecoming parade! I worked at the homecoming tent! I had the chance to talk to alumni about their experiences after graduation and test their knowledge about hospital beds. I watched the homecoming football game. It turned out to be a great watch! We lost, but I expected us to do a lot worse than the team did! I enjoyed watching the game with friends!

Flipping signs!

The most exciting event this weekend was pancake outreach! I had to navigate Twitter/X for this assignment. I spent a little time figuring out how the platform worked. I set up a new account since my old one was connected to my high school email. I set up an account to advertise for the event. The cover photo has the information for the event. It included the location and time of the event. I also linked my blog in the description so people can follow up with the event! I tried to gain followers by following accounts from other clubs, but it did not work out. I had Northern Christian Fellowship share my account on their Instagram page to see if people would follow from there, but that only gained me one follower. I had two followers for the live tweeting assignment.

I posted a day before the event to let people know that the event would be happening. During the event it was interesting to keep up with posting. I was standing at the table handing out pancakes, but also posting on Twitter/X. It was not difficult to do both. I have helped at this event in previous years, but it was much slower this year. I think because of the many Halloween events happening this weekend people did not come out in big groups or as often. It was fun to post during the event because I got to make content with my friends! I gave them prompts and they would flip signs! The one thing I couldn’t find was someone to repost about the event. I searched for a good amount of time and did not find anything. We ended up with a ton of leftover pancakes! We wrapped up exactly when we were supposed to wrap up!

I enjoyed live posting about the event, but I do feel it would have been better used for a different event. I think it can be useful for sporting events and concerts. I do not think that this event was a good choice for live posting. I would have live posted the homecoming football game, but I was not sure if I was going to it. I think at least we were able to have fun while giving people free food! If you want to check out the account, I’ve linked it here

I chose Come In With The Rain for this blog post because it always rains during this event!


Carly Coia said...

Sounds like a great weekend! Now I'm craving pancakes!!

Isa Ramos said...

I feel like live tweeting def comes with some trial and error. I honestly didn't feel like my event was great for the assignment either!

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