Sunday, September 17, 2023

... Ready For It?

After the 10k

…..Ready For It? is the first song off of Taylor Swift’s album reputation. I remember this song coming out and analyzing it with my siblings. It has a ton of easter eggs in the details of the music video. It was also the opening song from the reputation stadium tour in 2018. I thought of this song because it is such a good song to run to. It just gives me energy during a run and is perfect for getting ready to race!

Me limping home

 This weekend has been so busy! It started at 3:30 in the morning on Saturday. Bright and early for the Air Force Marathon! I am not running a full marathon because I haven’t reached that level of crazy yet, but Zach did convince me to run a 10k. I have been trying to become a morning person lately, but this is not what I meant. I am all for getting up early and being productive, but not when it is 47 degrees outside. After not a great night of sleep, I woke up and headed out to the National Museum of the United States Air Force. There were so many people there! Over 8,000 people would be running across the full schedule of events. Zach and I did a quick stretch to try to warm up, but it did not help much. Soon enough it was time to start! We lined up while it was still dark out, but along the first mile we were able to see the sun rise! The first mile was really crowded, and the second one was full of hills. The third mile is where I lost Zach, but I kept thinking he was right behind me. Through the next miles I kept trying to catch people because if not I would get zoned out and slow down. I would pick a person and go get them, then pick the next person. There was a giant downhill on the fifth mile, so I used that for speed! Honestly, I was so dead by the end, but I was able to finish under my goal! I wanted to finish in under an hour, and I ended up finishing in 53:49!

I have a lot of family that were also racing this weekend. My cousin, aunt and her grandpa were running in the 5k. Something that I think is cool is that the Air Force Marathon offers a marathon relay race! It is where you can have three people run the total mileage of a marathon, which is 26.2 miles! My grandpa, Uncle Patrick and my grandpa’s friend Del ran the relay race. They each ran around 9 miles total! I would love to do one of those one day in the future! I have done the 10k before, and when I was a freshman in high school, I did the half marathon. That day in high school I ran the half marathon in the morning and then went straight to homecoming.

After the race was over, I had to hurry home because Zach and I were headed to The Ohio State University game! I’m not a big football fan, but I will say going to games is a lot different than watching them on television. The game was good! I like being in the student sections. I feel like the atmosphere is much more fun compared to sitting with real adults. The Buckeyes were not playing their best in the beginning of the game, but they picked it up by the end! My favorite part of the game was the giant block O pretzel. It is the same size as my face.


Megan said...

I think running a marathon relay race is so fun! You can cheer each other on while you wait for your turn.

Carly Coia said...

Oooooo so cool!! I definitely could not run a full marathon either!

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