Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Look What You Made Me Do


Taylors Instagram Reset
Taylor Swift has been on Instagram for longer than I have been on Instagram. However she has not always been active on the platform. In 2017, she completely reset her entire Instagram page. This deleted tons of personalized posts from previous years. She did this to promote her next album reputation. She then strategically posted clips of a snake as a hint for the album. The song that she was teasing ended up being Look What You Made Me Do. The song was immensely popular and the music video was so elaborate. It has many clues and hints for fans to search for and find. This debut marked the first time Taylor had made an appearance in the public eye in quite a while. I think since then her Instagram brand has been different. It is now more professional. It used to be personalized posts with lots of behind the famous star moments. Now it is used to promote things and is effectively less personal. She also doesn’t allow comments on her posts.    
Single Promotion

has always been my default social media platform. I think I have liked it in the past because of its visuals. Instagram is the highlight reel of people’s lives. Instagram only gets the best photos of the most exciting events. The platform lets users lean into creativity. Using Instagram for business is a little . I think the pros of using Instagram for this is that it allows a brand to be more personal. It gives the company the ability to become friendly and recognizable through their posts.

I think that Instagram has changed over the past couple years. They have implemented more services such as shops and reels. In my opinion, these changes have made Instagram worse. I am not a fan of how it’s changed to be more like other social media platforms. It added shops to be like Facebook. It added reels to be like TikTok. I don’t use either of those functions. I find them slightly annoying. I think that the way Instagram has changed their algorithm has made the feed odd. It used to all be one page, but now you can change between following and your list of favorites. The original feed operates on an algorithm and the following feed generates the most recent posts by the accounts you follow. I like the following option because it ensures that I am seeing my friend’s posts.


Megan said...

I think Look What You Made Me Do is so catchy! It always gets stuck in my head!

Justin Brown said...

I don't really use the new features on Instagram either as of now. I am trying to use it more and get used to the features as I am sure they will be around for a while.

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