Monday, October 16, 2023

Bad Blood

This weekend was not very exciting. I was sick Thursday and so most of my weekend was spent in bed because it hurt to move. I thought I had strep, but it ended up not being strep. I still don’t know what I had, but I am glad to be feeling better! I was supposed to go to the Taylor Swift movie on Friday, but I had a high temperature. I decided that it was best not to go that night. I was a little sad seeing all my friends go out and see it, but I have plans to see it this coming weekend. I chose Bad Blood because I’ve been sick, but the song is good too. The music video was full of cameos from celebrities and friends of Taylor. I loved watching it with my siblings when I was in high school.

I was still feverish Friday night, but my fever broke that night. Saturday I was feeling a little better. I was hoping to feel well enough to go to my brother’s last soccer game. He is a freshman and plays on the junior varsity team at my high school. I also played soccer there for a bit when I was in high school. I ended up driving down to see his game, but I was unaware that it was going to rain. My family and I watched the game in the rain, but my parents were more prepared for the rain than I. My dad held a giant umbrella for the game. The weather was not too bad, but it made the ball slippery. On top of that the lines on the field were yellow and that made it hard to see. My brother played well! He plays offense and it was cool to see how much he’s improved since last season. Their team won 4-0.

ice cream

Sunday was a very busy day. I had an alumni event for Kappa Phi in Findlay. We all met up beforehand to drive there together. We stopped at Culver’s for lunch. I had not had Culver’s in a hot minute. I forgot their ice cream was so good! It had to be a quick stop because we were running a little late. The event was at the public library in Finlay. There were a couple of Kappa Phi alumni there, but my car brought the most active members. Most of the alumni were from Ohio Northern University which was cool! It is interesting to see so many members still contribute to the organization in some way. There was a little girl there and her name was also Loreilei, but spelled differently. I had two more meetings after that. I ended that night watching the Queens Gambit with my roommates.


Megan said...

I am so glad that your feeling better! Culvers ice cream is the best!

Madeline Hall said...

It was great being with you all Sunday! Glad you feel better!

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