Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Man

Reading the LinkedIn chapter brought me back to Career Planning with Dr. Lambdin. In that class we learned about how to build your profile and make connections with alumni. We also learned about how to make your resume. We practiced interviewing each other. That built my confidence for real like interviews. LinkedIn is a platform that I started using in college. I did not know how to use it at first, but that class helped me navigate around the platform. I think LinkedIn is useful for my personal brand. It can be used to help me stand out against other job applicants. It is educational by offering classes and certifications for different skill sets. It also helps connect people with other professionals in the same career field.

I also think that LinkedIn can be useful for professional accounts. Within LinkedIn companies can share content that build brand advocacy for potential employees. It is engaging for followers to interact with trending posts and informational brand opportunities.

LinkedIn also allows companies to have a brand persona. I find it hilarious when companies post funny things on LinkedIn and interact with their audience. I also find it funny when people or companies are on LinkedIn who are not the ideal person you’d think would be on LinkedIn. I am going to go through my favorite person I follow on LinkedIn.

Ryan Reynold's LinkedIn
It is none other than Ryan Reynolds. It makes sense for him to be on LinkedIn because he is an owner of many businesses. He has his business endeavors on his profile going back to his forklift operating days. His feed displays his personal comedic attitude and stature. He recently posted about a popular reality television show while promoting his company Mint Mobile. It is common to find him posting about this nature of content.

The Taylor Swift song my friend Madeline suggested for this blog post is The Man. I think this song is perfect because it calls out bias in professional environments. It was Taylors way of saying how hard she works and the double standards she is held to. It reflects the frustration that she feels about gender inequality. Taylor imagines how differently she would be perceived and treated if she were a man. She explores the double standards that exist in society. It goes on highlighting how accomplishments and behaviors are often judged based on gender. The lyrics convey a desire for equal recognition. A challenge to the traditional gender roles and stereotypes that are in the world. It was an interesting song to be on the album Lover, but it was a successful single. 

1 comment:

Markus M said...

I think it is awesome on how you connected our chapter to something you had done previously. This skill of critical thinking is a great tool to have in life. Good job!

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