Sunday, October 29, 2023

I Know Places

1989 Taylor’s Version! Thursday night my friends and I stayed up to listen to Taylor’s Version of 1989! It was a bonding moment for sure. We first did homework while waiting until midnight. We listened to five new songs from the vault. I kept track of our rankings in a google document to compare later. I liked the vault songs a lot! I think my favorite is probably a tie between Is It Over Now? And Now That We Don’t Talk. The biggest change I noticed within the album was in the song I Know Places.  I liked this song, but it was not my favorite on the album when so many others stood out. In Taylor’s Version I think there is a change in production that makes it better. The lyrics are what made me love this song, but with the new production it makes me love it even more.

Homecoming weekend! The festivities started Friday. I went home for a night to Zach’s parents house for their yearly Halloween party. Zach’s mom makes the best peanut butter pie. There was lots of food. We ordered from Godfather’s Pizza in Dayton. I am not a huge fan, but everyone seemed to enjoy the pizza. I am picky when it comes to toppings. I don’t like mushrooms or sausage on pizza, but I survived. We watched a scary movie, and the younger kids went downstairs to watch a less spooky movie. The movie they chose this year was The Boogeyman. They gave a warning before the movie started that it did not have a lot of gore, but it was unsettling. I ended up going downstairs with the kids for a bit because I cannot handle scary movies. Th kids decided to watch the newest haunted mansion. That is a movie I can watch! I watched about half with them and then finished The Boogeyman upstairs with the adults. I was on my phone for the scary parts. They also make fruit punch with a frozen hand in it.

KP Banner!

Saturday was the homecoming parade! I walked in the parade with Kappa Phi. We walked with our banner that a lovely member of the officer team painted. She spent so much time on the details! We were disappointed when it didn’t win the banner contest. The parade was fun! It consisted of waiting an hour in the cold to start walking. We ran out of candy to hand out right before the end. Somehow that always happens!

We had more events Saturday and Sunday, but you will hear more about that in the next blog!

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